[email protected] Calle Pio Baroja 9, Marbella, Spain +34 628 815 024

Maintenance Of Smart Home - Smart-IoT.es

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Maintaining Your Smart Home

Are you looking for a way to ensure stability and comfort in your smart home life, all at an optimal price? Look no further than our maintenance contract service.

By signing up for one of our maintenance contracts, you’ll gain access to a range of benefits including:

  1. Dedicated 24/7 support for our clients with maintenance contracts – ensuring that any issues or concerns you have with your smart home can be addressed quickly and efficiently.
  2. Access to reserve stock of smart home modules which we can replace quickly – this means that any problems with your smart home can be fixed quickly and easily, with minimal disruption to your daily routine.
  3. Better price for any product or material comparing with any clients without contract – with a maintenance contract, you’ll be able to access our products and materials at a discounted price, helping you save money in the long run.
  4. Quick reaction to any doubt or problem – call service, engineer visit – our team of engineers will be on hand to visit your home quickly if there are any issues with your smart home, ensuring that they can be resolved as quickly as possible.
  5. Priority access to technical and IT consultants – with a maintenance contract, you’ll be given priority access to our team of technical and IT consultants, who can help you with any questions or issues you have with your smart home.

Don’t let the stress and uncertainty of maintaining your smart home weigh you down. Sign up for one of our maintenance contracts today and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your smart home is in good hands. If you have any questions or would like to sign up for a maintenance contract, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Opening Hours
  • Monday To Friday9.00 - 20.00
  • Sutardayurgent calls
  • Sundayurgent calls

Telephone Number:

Head office: (+34) 628-815-024

Office Address:

Calle Pio Baroja 9, Marbella, Spain

Email Address: